Monday, October 11, 2021

Basic Rules for the Correct and Effective Use of Google Sheets for Lab Reports

Basic Rules for the Correct and Effective Use of Google Sheets for Lab Reports

  1. Every numerical value has to be written in a separate cell and only one time.
  2. If you need to use a numerical value in calculations, use in codes the reference name of the cell, where this numerical value is located.
  3. For each numerical value have to be shown what it means and what are units of this value.
  4. Don't write a numerical value together with it’s unit to the same cell.
  5. Absolutely all necessary calculations have to be completed by Google Sheets codes (scripts).
  6. Changes of any initial numerical value have to automatically recalculate all results.
  7. In texts use correct formats of mathematical constants, signs, or operations, not Google Sheets codes.
  8. Use superscript characters: ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁺ ⁻ ⁼ ⁽ ⁾ ⁿ ⁱ .
  9. Use subscript characters: ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₊ ₋ ₌ ₍ ₎ ₐ ₑ ₒ ₓ ₔ ₕ ₖ ₗ ₘ ₙ ₚ ₛ ₜ .
  10. Use math and greek characters: ° ⨯ ∙ ≈ ∞ √ 𝚫 𝚯 𝚹 𝚺 𝛀 𝛆 𝛌 𝛍 𝛑 𝛒 𝛔 𝛕 𝛚 𝛜.
  11. In lab reports do calculations of % errors comparing obtained in experiment values with expected values even if these calculations are not mentioned in the procedure.
  12. Don't make your lab report as a literary novel.
  13. Use a tabular style in all parts of your report.
  14. The Conclusion section of lab reports should indicate how the results of your experiment correspond to the laws of Physics.
  15. If the obtained %-error is more than 50%, do not write that the results of the laboratory experiment are in good agreement with the laws of Physics.
  16. All calculations for answering laboratory questions should be done by Google Sheets codes (scripts).
  17. Any report should be one page of a Google Sheets worksheet.
  18. Reports must begin with the name of the experiment and the name of the student.
  19. All tables must have explanatory titles.
  20. All columns of tables should have explanatory headings with units of measurement. Units have to be in round brackets.
  21. All graphs must have explanatory titles.
  22. Axes of graphs should have explanatory titles with units. Units have to be in round brackets.
  23. Charts must plot a trendline and a trendline equation.
  24. Do calculations of slopes by using codes (scripts) with the slope() function.
  25. To submit your report, submit in Blackboard only a web link to your Google Sheets work.
  26. Don't submit any files or weblink to not Google Sheets.
  27. If you are making a second or subsequent attempt to submit your corrected lab report, submit the weblink by Blackboard again, even if your web link has not changed.
  28. The number of your attempts to get the highest grade is not limited.
  29. Share your Google Sheets to giving editor rights.
  30. See my comments, corrections and remarks in your Google Sheets.
  31. If you want to increase your grade, correct your report according to my comments and resubmit it again.

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